
Alloy Indefinite chilled cast iron rolls are cast high Ni grain rolls with fine deposits of graphite on the surface. The hardness of these rolls can be changed by adjusting the chemical composition or by changing the casting method, making it possible to adapt the roll hardness to particular applications. Because of the presence of graphite, AIC rolls have a strong resistance to thermal shock. Alloy indefinite chilled roll produced by centrifugal casting, so AIC rolls also called ICDP(indefinite chilled double poured) rolls.

Alloy Indefinite chilled cast iron rolls are cast high Ni grain rolls with fine deposits of graphite on the surface. The hardness of these rolls can be changed by adjusting the chemical composition or by changing the casting method, making it possible to adapt the roll hardness to particular applications. Because of the presence of graphite, AIC rolls have a strong resistance to thermal shock. Alloy indefinite chilled roll produced by centrifugal casting, so AIC rolls also called ICDP(indefinite chilled double poured) rolls.